Inphiz Inspire

The Impact of Employee Engagement on Performance

Skriven av Cedrik Leijon | Oct 16, 2020 2:23:00 PM
A whopping 85% of workers are disengaged, causing approximately $7 trillion in productivity loss, according to Gallup’s most recent “State of the Global Workplace” report.

This disengagement loss is due to a common failed practice of companies trying to gauge the employees' sentiment through surveys once or twice a year, but it is not the same as engagement. Many companies don’t understand the real engagement and the impact it has on employee productivity.

Before we decrypt engagement & its impact on employees, let’s understand what an employee wants.

It’s sometimes overlooked, but the enterprise needs to identify ‘what employee wants’ to produce the expected outcome in this competitive landscape. The 2019 survey by Atlantic Report shows that 57 percent of millennials wanted work that’s either enjoyable or makes a difference in society. Employees need to feel empowered and need to feel that what they do matters.



Allow your employees to unleash their excellence and give them the ecosystem to amplify their voice. Employees want to feel trusted and valued for the independent decisions and the impact they can create.

Why does employee engagement make such a difference?

We have some significant stats from Gallup that show companies generate a huge profit when employees are engaged. Companies with engaged employees outperform those without by 202%. It’s mainly because engaged employees make more of what’s called ‘discretionary effort’ as they are both rationally and emotionally committed to their work.

How can you make employees in the field feel connected to the company?

Getting the most out of your employees will be a lot easier if they’re happy, feel like they have a voice in the organization, connection to enterprise objective and that good work will be recognized”. 



So, what is that keeps employees motivated and happy at work?

Disengaged employees won’t magically re-engage with their workplaces—it’s strong and engaging technology that promotes the connections, the interaction & the synapses. Stimulating engagement is a two-way street: it’s not just how employees gravitate towards their leaders but also how leaders gravitate and listen to them. And in the current climate of more mobile workforces, generational friction, and siloed information, the digital workplace offers an attractive and efficient solution for disengaged workers to enjoy more satisfying and rewarding work experiences.

Modernizing your digital landscape will transform how you reach, communicate and engage with your employees, increase productivity and creativity, keep costs down, and drive revenues up.

Inphiz Digital Workspace fostering Engagement & driving ROI
Inphiz digital workspace is a modern tool to connect and engage with your field workers & desktop workers. It maximizes the impact of your workforce by making it easy for them to communicate and collaborate, automate manual and time-consuming tasks, train to improve their skills, and deliver greater value to customers.

It is the deep engagement that fosters strong commitment. That commitment shows up in the way your employees serve your customers. A study from Franklin Covey and Harris Interactive found that companies that dedicate themselves to a high level of employee engagement achieve up to 57% greater profitability than companies with low engagement.

⇑ Engagement = ⇑ CX Engagement

Bringing both emotions and actions together to deliver a great customers experience


Engaged employees lead to…

When employees can understand and deliver a company’s value proposition through an amazing customer experience at each interaction, business results will follow.

But this is not conceivable until leadership realizes the value and cost of engagement. Leadership needs to infuse trust & transparency into the system. Today, employees want to support their leaders – even more so when a leader is transparent enough to share their success and their vulnerabilities. Employees don’t need leaders that always have to be right (or perceived as perfect) – they want leaders that open themselves up enough to share their journey with them. Genuine collaboration drives engagement and creates an environment of significance for everyone.

Happy employees are more engaged employees, and what helps them attain that is the right leadership and the right productivity tools in the enterprise. The organization that wishes to be future-ready needs to reinvent the workplace and make business one by connecting people, processes, and technology in an intelligent way to create an engaging and responsive enterprise.

Engagement matters!


✔️ Decoding the Future of work & the Digital Workplace

✔️ Deploying a digital workspace and how we do it?

✔️ Employee Experience REIMAGINED

✔️The Impact of Employee Engagement on Performance

✔️ Stay tuned for our next article...


About Inphiz 

Inphiz core is to work on developing tools for more efficient workplaces for non-desktop employees. The business idea revolves around connecting managers and employees, by offering branded corporate tools for better communication and transparency in work and create engagement around the competencies and work experience. Inphiz also facilitate the management of onboarding data also approval of company policies and code of conduct so all managers together with the employees rapidly know that they have 100% compliance and follow the regulations.

Do you want to know more about how you can create better workplaces for non-desktop employees thought Inphiz? Contact for more information.